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Again, I am not a clinical researcher.   The following is my opinion about fluoride.  Sorry folks, this subject is a bit technical and potentially boring.   After reading this, my daughter let me know that she felt like this was an assignment for school.   I have no ideas on how to make this entertaining but if you are interested in this topic, I hope that you find this information stimulating enough to prompt you to further your investigation.   This is a topic that I would rather omit from this website because it can be so divisive.   Because it is a relevant topic, I feel that I must include it.


Fluorine is a natural element which is included in the periodic table and in nature it is a beautiful stone.  It is found naturally in our bodies in bones and teeth, in a form called fluoride.   We need fluoride to survive.    Fluoride is available to us naturally in water sources, meats and vegetables.    


As teeth are forming under the gums in infants and children, calcium, fluoride and other elements are deposited to create the enamel and dentin of teeth.   After teeth erupt into the mouth, fluoride can no longer increase or decrease in the main core of the tooth.   On the surface of the erupted tooth, however, an acidic environment (i.e. drinking lemonade) can remove some molecules from the tooth.  There is a balance where a few molecules of fluoride, calcium and other components of the tooth can leave; but are soon replaced by minerals in the saliva resulting in no net tooth structure loss.   If there is a high concentration of the acid over a prolonged period, then the mineral loss can extend deeper into the tooth to the point where an irreversible “cavity” will be formed.   Fluoride in toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. is a way to super harden the enamel of your teeth to decrease the likelihood of a cavity starting.



In the 1940s, it was noticed that some communities had lower tooth decay rates than other communities.    Researchers began to examine various aspects of these communities to determine why this was happening.   The researchers probably looked at things like diet, access to dental care and more.   At some point, they noticed a correlation with Fluoride concentration and tooth decay.    By reviewing which concentrations of fluoride were helpful, which concentrations had little or no effect, and which were too much, health agencies began to make recommendations to alter the fluoride concentrations in municipal water to the perceived “optimal” concentration to reduce cavities.


Currently there are people who have concerns about the safety of adding fluoride to municipal water sources.   There is much controversy about this: On one hand, some people would like to have fluoride added to the water in the hope that it will reduce tooth decay in the community.   Others fear potential side effects and there are a long list of medical issues that some people attribute to added Fluoride.  


There is one side effect that has been studied and documented scientifically.   This one I feel comfortable in mentioning.   Too much fluoride occurring naturally in a water source might cause a condition where the teeth have irregular color and may have areas of weak enamel.   This is called “fluorosis”.  


Here is my opinion about fluoride:  This is only an opinion.   I will never criticize anyone who has a differing opinion on this matter.   If anyone claims to be an absolute authority in this matter I would be skeptical: 


Here it goes:  If we cannot exist without fluoride in our teeth and bones and there is a known concentration of fluoride that appears to be optimal to the formation of strong teeth, then I can see no logical reason to not alter the fluoride concentration in municipal water to help reduce dental decay.  I would want this for my family.   I would want this for your family.   I am not an absolute authority on this so please see what others are saying and make the choice that makes you comfortable.  And, please don’t hate me ;-)

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